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Kombo Butter
Kombo Butter is a brownish-blue color with a thick buttery texture that easily absorbs into the skin.
It provides incredible benefits for dry or irritated skin, particularly when combined with other butters (e.g., palm kernel, shea, or cocoa) and carrier oils. Formulators love how it blends with other butters and oils making application smooth, silky and 'grease-free'.
With its naturally high levels Myristoleic and other acids and antioxidants, it was traditionally used for its anti-inflammatory, antifungal, anti-allergenic, antiseptic, anti-oxidizing, immune-stimulant, painkilling and regenerative properties. (you can Google to see what others say about it)
Baraka Kombo Butter is pure, natural, wild-crafted and, in addition to providing the dignity of income to hard-working rural women, the tall trees provide natural shade and ecosystem biodiversity for Cocoa crops.
Kombo Butter Story How it is Made
Watch and see the story of Kombo Butter. Where it comes from, how it is made, how Baraka came to launch the industry in collaboration with NCRC.
Follow the journey from an idea to enhance livelihoods for impoverished rural women and combat environmental degradation at the same time. Trace it through to the commercial launch of a new product in a way that aligns social and environmental impact with business value.
And, it doesn't stop there. It provides thousands of small and micro businesses, mostly women led, with an exciting new ingredient to be used in the Natural and Organic Skincare and Cosmetics market.
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