10-Minute ?Rawmazing? DIY Shea Butter Lotions
Alright, I don’t have too much spare time in my average day anymore. However, one thing I do make time for is making DIY skincare products. I find that the chemicals and parabens in store-bought creams and lotions make my skin super irritated (yes, I am a sensitive gal). I also love a minimalist lifestyle, so I refuse to add more than three ingredients into any DIY I attempt AND I will not spend more than an episode of Modern family making it.
So if you are like me and occasionally wake up with dreaded crocodile skin (okay, a good four days out of the week), don’t panic. I have a few 10-minute DIY’s up my sleeve that I SWEAR by. And ever since Wayne (Baraka’s founder) sent me a few packets of their organic Shea Butter, I constantly find myself indulging in new DIYs.
Why is Baraka Shea Butter so essential for me in any DIY? Well, Shea Butter works wonders on the skin. Specifically, it has been known to have deep moisturizing and healing powers through its Vitamin A and fatty acid properties. Known to often reduce effects from skin conditions such as stretch marks, acne, dermatitis and more, my favorite use is for dry skin. There are many types and grades of Shea Butter out there. I always try to use raw, unrefined Shea Butter. I want the goodness of Shea Butter to come through and not risk losing it through excessive processing, chemicals or other ‘refining’ and ‘purification’ processes.
Ready? For this first DIY, you will need the following:
- 10 tbs of Baraka Shea Butter
- 10 tbs of safflower oil
- 3-4 drops of Lavender essential oil
- A hand immersion mixer
Step 1: Combine Shea Butter and Safflower oil in a glass bowl.
Step 2: Add 3-4 drops of lavender essential oils (or an oil of your choice).
Step 3: Mix with a hand-immersion mixer until smooth.
Step 4: Pour into container … and there you go!
I love this mixture because the lavender is calming (especially for someone like me with MAJOR anxiety) and the aroma helps me sleep at night. Whip that baby up until it is a creamy lotion-y substance and use it after you shower for incredibly supple skin.
Ready for another (um, yes please)? This one is great if you do not have a hand-immersion mixer on hand.
For this second DIY, you will need the following:
- ½ cup of Baraka Shea Butter
- ½ cup of Jojoba
- ¼ cup of Coconut Oil
- A working stove or hot plate
Step 1: Pour all three ingredients into a heat-safe glass bowl and mix together.
Step 2: Place the glass bowl in a saucepan filled with water.
Step 3: Heat the stove and continue mixing.
Step 4: Once they have combined, place in the fridge for an hour or so.
Step 5: Pull out of the fridge (okay this portion technically longer than 10 minutes) and mix together.
Step 6: Place in container, store, and enjoy!
I love this one because there is less of a scent and can be perfect for anyone who prefers unscented lotions.
As you can see, making DIY Shea Butter lotions and body butters does not have to be a long or arduous process. The work is minimal, but the effects are noteworthy. There are fewer days where I wake up with crocodile skin, and when I do … I pull out my very own Sonia lotion and slather it on (thank you Baraka). Forget the chemicals and parabens found in over-the-counter products, and create a few in your very own home. You may even become a Shea Butter scientist, experimenting with all it has to offer.
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