Supporting the Holy Month of Ramadan


With the fasting starting for Ramadan we are meeting with the women who produce Baraka Shea Butter and making a ceremonial contribution to support them.

For me it feels great because last year I missed being with them to celebrate Eid, the feast at the end of Ramadan, because I was in Canada. It is one of my favourite things to be part of that, take treats and gifts for the children and sit with the Chief and Elders and break fast with them
see video from a couple years ago here:


Anyway, if interested watch and listen as I chat with Madam @Lagejua Gifty, a leader of the women who brought us to this village. We chat about the support, about the great work the women do and the difference it has made for them working with Baraka

As I note in the video, none of the impact we have would be possible without all of you who buy and use Baraka butters and oils and buy and use products our customers make from them

Thanks to all of you

#KnowYourProducts – a series of informational posts about Baraka Butters, Oils, Baskets and more.  And about the women, families and communities that make them.  We believe the more you know, the better choices you make, the better products you make, the better you can educated and serve your customers and the more support for providing hard-working women in Ghana with the dignity of income

These next lines give you more information about Baraka Impact – read them if interested.

What we hope you take away from this post more than anything is that you impact women, families and communities when you buy from Baraka and that it is important to know the source of  your products and the impact you make

For example, it is so easy to have ‘raw and unrefined’ shea butter that was industrially processed, chemically extracted and all the income and impact ripped from the women and given to the factory. See more in this blog

All Baraka products are harvested and hand processed by women in rural Ghanaian villages using age-old traditions and techniques. It is core to traditional life and to their economic well-being.  Every purchase provides them with the dignity of income.

You make a difference with every purchase from Baraka, or from people who make products with Baraka Shea Butter.

It has a direct impact on hard-working women and their families.

You can learn more, or order at

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