The New Shea Roasters Are Here!


Safer, more productive, much more environmentally efficient (up to 90% less deforestation impact) and designed for more comfortable working posture.  The new shea roasters are a game changer.


Konjeihi woman working with the new shea roasters.
Abudi Amina (left) with Kende Bunbile (right), who is able to sit and work the new shea roaster.  The design allows her to sit comfortably and roast more safely and efficiently.

Much excitement this past November 1st, with the women at Konjeihi and the Baraka team as Jeremy and Abdul from Burn Design Lab arrived with three new custom-designed shea roasters, sponsored by long-time Baraka customer evanhealy.


Women are learning how to carefully set up the roasters.Despite it being the height of harvest season, over 75 local women were on hand, excited to try the new roasters and learn how to use them.


The women are learning how to carefully set up the roasters, using fire-bricks and an efficiently designed burning platform to burn waste from the shea making process and reduce firewood requirements by up to 90%.


Getting ready to roast!Getting ready to roast! A few small dead branches are used to start the fire and the shea cake in the foreground will then be added to bring the heat up. The basin contains freshly crushed shea nuts, which will be roasted and converted to Hand-crafted Baraka Shea Butter.

The Shea Cake (nut solids), a waste product from the process of making hand-made shea butter

The Shea Cake (nut solids), a waste product from the process of making hand-made shea butter, is used for fuel, reducing carbon and deforestation impact by up to 90%. 


To see the entire process of making Hand-crafted Shea Butter check out this blog and documentary.


he new roasters are also used for roasting Kombo Nuts.

The new roasters are also used for roasting Kombo Nuts.  Here you can see them being loaded into the roaster getting ready to roast.

For more information from the field, check out our video here to listen to Auntie Gifty and Jeremy from Burn Design Lab discuss the new shea roasters!

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